Wednesday, December 11, 2013


I am so so so sorry i haven't been posting lately! :(

But one thing I wanted to show you guys first!
AJ JUMP IS HERE! You can transfer gems from the app to your account AND it's the only way you can get a PET JOEY! You can also veiw Jamaa's scores and your buddies scores which is pretty cool!

If you haven't seen (which you probably have the're everyewhere like an invasion) DEER ARE HERE!

AJ has also announced 'jamaa's BIGGEST ADVENTURE ever'.
Do you think greely is working for the phantoms? Do you think it's not really greely? 
Your questions will be answered very very soon.

Now for new items.

And you already know about the daily jamaaliday gift shop and all that stuff. SECRET: When me and one of my buddies bought the gingerbread house den it didn't charge us at ALL. if you lose your gems log off and back on. XD

The item of the day is... 
This is the music from the play-as-your-pet-party.


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