Thursday, January 30, 2014

Hi! Ugh! I keep trying to post more often, but I can't! I will deinently try harder! Sorry for that, let's get to it. There are some more new items, but I'll start with the update.

All dens are HALF OF for... who knows!
New adventure button on the world map!

Pet Owls are still in the diamond shop! Birds (Eagles) are coming to jamaa! 
Epic dens button on the map too?  YAY! FREAINDSHIP FESTIVAL! That's all for the update.
Now for the (what seems like millions of) NEW ITEMS!
Shiveer Shoppe

Jam Mart Furniture

Jam Mart Clothing
So it's not THAT MUCH, but it seemed like it, ok? Here's a pic of the adventure button on the world map.
You can see the epic dens button down there too. I almost forgot, AJ added a new deer alpha thingy, whatever they're called, and with that comes a new stone statue.
I added a new video in my AJ Vids Page.
I am also stopping item of the day. It was a little boring and it was hard to remember what i have already done! XD
Oop I gotta go! Generaljbro out!

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