Thursday, March 27, 2014


Wa'sup guys? I know there are a ton of new items since my last real post, but I'm not going into ALL that today. Right now I wanna remind you that a couple days ago AJ was offline most of the day because of updating and to "Make room for... new jammers". So, today they posted this on the Daily Explorer.
Summed up it says thank you for waiting and to show you our appreciation we're putting in a new code. Le code is... drum roll please... to get you your very own imprisoned phantoms... THANKS! Ok, if you don't know or forgot how to put in a code, goin' step by step for ya. Here we go.

1. Put in username and password

2. Click the "I have a code to enter" button

3. Type "Thanks" in the box
4. Click "Play"

5. Pick world

6. Click the gift when it pops up

7. There ya go

Can you say LENGTHY?  The other thing the DE posted was the news crew winner. Let's take a look-see.
Here's a Linky in case you want to read it. At the bottom is the new Jammer Snaps. This time it is an awesome E-E-E-EAGLE D-D-D-DANCE P-P-P-PARTAY. Deadline for Jammer Snaps is April 6. I'm hoping for a new vidmo in my AJ Vids page soon so be watchin out. 

CYA 'ROUND! <(-.-)>

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