Saturday, February 22, 2014


Today I got an eagle, so now I can show all you the awesome stuff they do and places they go! Here's my eagle!
Awesome Cooleagle here! I wanna show you all the place I can go now! Jump On!
I also found a cool outfit for eagles. You saw it in the video and picture but here it is again.
Musketeer hats look AWESOME on eagles! Oh, there's a new item too!
Magic Mirrors are back! They were taken out of the Chamber Of Knowledge just a couple months ago! I'm pretty sure you've already seen, but here are the eagle's actions.
There is a new video in Jammer Central!
Check it out! AJ post a new video for each new animal. Today I'm gonna try something. It's called: ALPHA SPOTLIGHT! I know the daily explorer did this, but it sounds fun. Today's alpha is, Drum Roll Please! Sir Gilbert!
Gilbert had always heard of Jamaa. He had always wanted to be a monkey, too. Or ANY animal. He would jump on an animal, but not to attack it, to ask it questions. Most of the time he left disappointed, because the animal would be in shock and not be able to answer. He likes to take time in everything. Which explains why he was furious when Peck and Graham wanted to speed it up. He wants all jammers in Jamaa to be SAFE! Despite his look, he yearns for a quiet life.

That's all for ALPHA SPOTLIGHT! And for this post. BYE!

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