Thursday, February 6, 2014

New Jamaa Journal!

Ok, just to warn to this is going to be a LONG post! Which is good I guess. First thing. There is a new update today (no, not eagles, YET)!
The Sunken Ship den is now for ALL jammers! The main reason they did this was so that non members could have a underwater den!

A new intro! You can do it ANYTIME YOU WANT! (Pics from this intro later)

They were just gettin' started with Friendship Festival last update. Now they're going big! AJ Valintines?! And a GEM CODE?! Wow, AJ, THANK YOU! (code later)

I didn't know taht SAFER INTERNET DAY is on Febuary 11th. I've already taken the quiz though. You get a plauqe qhen your done! Finally a Picture of an eagle!

Animal Jam Academy? COOL! Here's a pic of AJ Academy!
There's TONS of stuff to do and TONS of printables! Here's some pics of the new intro!

I posted a new video on my AJ Vids Page! Oh, by the way, some people don't like the update. I can understand why. They did add some more chat restrictions. Like, - + & ^ % ; etc. There are two new items!
Heart Ballon

Rose Garland

New Code: Friendship So not too long but, pretty long. -.- ^*^ enjoying it even though I can't on AJ! XD BYE!

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